Image Man - Part 6

Scripture Reading - Genesis 1:26a KJV

And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: . . .

In our first lesson on “Image” we spoke about God making man with an “imagination”. Thus everyone has an “image” of themselves on the inside that will eventually manifest on the outside. A problem we also mentioned is that their “image” of themselves as a person will typically influence their “image” of you. We also taught a lesson on man trying to project his “image” of himself or herself upon others. This means that the people of greater influence typically have a greater “image” of themselves than they ought. We highlighted that “an inner image from God” affects man in a positive sense by God’s design. We have briefly spoken on “Outside Images” that negatively affect all people on the earth as a whole. Today, we will focus on “The Image of Man” because men (both men and women) have an “image” as a whole and each man (and each woman too) has an “image” that they are endeavoring to uphold. If we start with looking at mankind as a whole we could point out certain broad statements like men are expected to provide for their family if married, men are supposed to work to make positive contributions to society and men are supposed to have purpose to life, a vision about what God called them to do. Likewise, all women are expected to be caring individuals who nurture their families if they are married or members of their own family, all women are expected to be peacemakers because seeking peace is God’s Will and all women are expected to teach others in some form or fashion because most women are gifted (by God) teachers. Why should these stereotypes take place in the world? Someone might ask, it is because both men and women are made in the “image of God”. You must notice that God didn’t say let us make a male child in our “image” because the child is typically immature so they could not accurately reflect the “Image of God”. Also, since the Lord made man and woman in “His own image” we can know that both the man and woman are equally made in “God’s Own Image”. We (ihlcc) need to say that because some foolish people think that because God is male He identifies more with men then women. However, this thought is not true because God created man first but then He took out of man certain aspects of Himself to put into the woman such that no man is 100% complete without the woman and no woman is total isolated (separated) from man, to truly reflect God we need both the man and the woman coming together as one. Yes, the one complete man was separated in God into two (male and female) so that reproduction could always take place in the presence of two witnesses. Since God said, “Let us make man in our own “image” it is apparent that both the man and woman should reproduce children in both their images, or better yet the combined image of man and woman in unison as one. For sure united we stand as God’s Victorious Champions as opposed to divided we fall as defeated foes against God. Yes, mankind as a whole is made in the “Image of God” and that is why we (ihlcc) don’t believe in alternative lifestyles as being in the perfect will of God. The “image” of man being gender independent from the woman or the women being non-dependent on men is “not God’s image” because God created us both to be dependent upon each other. As precious as life is under the Hand of God all children would benefit from seeing specific parts of God from the man’s perspective just as much as they would benefit from seeing the certain parts of God from the woman’s perspective, too. Yes, man should strive to be the “image God created them to be” and stop being selfish by only promoting the “image of successful people” in the world with no mention of God. Of course we do know that the world system will parade its renown (really known, well known) people to boast in pride and recruit new members but as Christian’s we walk a much different path. All Believers in Christ Jesus should be looking into God’s Word for the exact “image” of Jesus Christ and/or the Apostles of Christ to see the unchanging “image of God” written in the Holy Bible. Once we have “God’s Image” in our heart we can then let our light shine to all men abroad. Letting our light shine is nothing more than projecting “God’s Image” to all who see you. We know that the “image” we are is the “image” people see, so we must take care in broadcasting the true positive good “Image of God” toward all those around us. When God made man in “His own image and likeness” He did it so that His Will could be wrought (worked) upon the earth. However, we do notice by Genesis 6:1-7 that man projecting his own carnal evil negative “image” brought wickedness upon the earth continuously under the influence of Satan. Thus, the Lord had to destroy the earth because men and Satan filled the whole earth with violence and death. So the people that think this earth is working fine without God are both prideful and grossly in error because they have never tasted of the true godless place called Hell. We must individually take up our Cross spiritually to bear the “Image of Jesus” putting others before Himself by bearing all their sins. Thus, all men and women in general must also bear the “image and likeness of God” by speaking right, doing right and being right according to God’s righteousness, not man’s. Amen!